Do you have SEO questions? Google will answer all of them!

GoogleWebmasterToolsSEOFew years ago Google has launched the official Google Webmaster Help YouTube channel trying to help and get in touch with Webmasters and Web professionals. In this channel Matt Cutts and other Software Engineers posted hundreds of video tutorials and answered numerous questions of SEOs and Online Marketers.

Even if Matt does not always clearly answer all the questions and even if he finds himself every now and then talking about his kittens (here & here), the Webmaster Help Channel is a great source of information. Several times in the past Google has confirmed or clarified controversial topics pointing the SEOs to the right direction and providing them with useful insights.

Few days ago Matt Cutts has posted on his blog that his team plans to create a new series of Webmaster Videos. As he informed us, this time instead of creating short 1-2 minute videos, they will try to make complete tutorials on how Google works and why it works that way.

How to get answers for your SEO questions

If you want Matt to answer your questions all you have to do is visit the Google Moderator page. In this page you’ll be able to submit your questions and vote for the ones that you find interesting. The most voted posts will be answered by Matt Cutts on his upcoming videos.

Our team has posted few important SEO questions and we would like to invite you to vote for them. Here is what we asked:

Question 1:At the moment Geotargeting from Webmaster Console is available only for Generic TLDs. What is Google’s advice for webmasters with country specific domains who want to geotarget different segments of their sites for different countries? Should they create new websites? Should they switch to .com?Vote for it!

Question 2:Adding the main keywords of a site in the domain name can help someone achieve very good results with relatively low number of links. Sometimes this also leads to spammy or low quality results. Does Google plan to reconsider the importance of keywords in the Domain name?Vote for it!

Question 3:If we add more than one links from page A to page B, do we pass more PageRank juice and additional anchor text info? Also do links from page A to page A count?Vote for it!

We hope that you will find our questions interesting and that you will vote for them. Don’t forget that Voting is Caring! 🙂


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